Aug 31, 2007

Aug 29, 2007


Nearly forgot what had happened. Nearly forgot How the pain feels like...
It is a reminder, a not very good one.

New York New York

Aug 21, 2007

Aug 15, 2007


Arghhh, hopefully you didn't find out. If you did, just pretend nothing. Because it's my Own problem, None of your business :) I'll handle it by myself and I don't want and don't wish to bother or disturb you.

Is it clear enough, FRIEND? so be my friend forever until the end of our life. I know it is a fat wish to having you as a friend. Well, I will set Korean spirit as my good example :)

Life can't replayed. I choose my lifestyle, or it had chosen me?

Aug 14, 2007

my lovely mio~

I signed up an unlimited wireless broadband. What I received is a Mio~ It looks smart and cool~

The most I worried is the speed. However, I tested (both computers run and surf net simultaneously). The result is satisfiable.

Finally, I can happily do my stuff while my sister enjoy watching her drama series without any fight. Ha-ha

Aug 13, 2007

1st day in school

13 Aug, a sunny day, my school term of 1st semester of 2nd year in NUS starts.

Out of my expectation, there are a lot of students attending the lectures. One of my lecture lesson is over-crowded. Some people are sitting on the floor. I recognise none of them.

During the lecture, I was wondering why lecturers mentioned about rules and limits which we, seniors, are familiar to. Soon, i had my answer as the system has been changed. Juniors may be randomly assigned to take some upper level modules with us. Poor them...

Aug 12, 2007

i'm so lucky

i supposed to buy the "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" but cancelled as it is not in my plan yet, no matter how strong of my eagerness.

fortunately, when i went back and met my little friend to pass her something great as reciprocation. surprisingly she gave me the e-version in return. I'm too elated... at that time, i really believe that Good Man has Good Deed. hahaha

hope to finish the story as soon as possible... (although i knew the ending)

Aug 3, 2007


。。。死也无所谓,这样活着痛苦,还不如死了算了。。。 by 李秀贤


。。。你是男人也好,是外星人也好,我都不管。。。我们能走多远就走多远吧! by 崔瀚洁

Coffeeee Princeee~