Dec 20, 2010


1. Mum asked is Monday a public holiday to J
2. J was pissed and said "Just go. Don't ask."
3. Mum and I asked her nicely
4. J asked where are we going
5. Mum said Rengit
6. J said, Rengit only?
7. Mum said, ya
8. J said, why go back
9. Mum said, cleaning ya
10. J said, so boring. Go back for what
11. Mum said, have to clean
12. I asked J, if there is any leave left...
13. J said, used 7788 le
14. Then I asked, leave how many?
15. J said, no more for this year
16. Mum said, "don't know what is she saying" with a smile
17. I clarified no more or still have some left?
18. J shouted to mum and me, "don't ask anymore. Want to go then go!"
19. I shouted to her and bang the table, "we asked you nicely, what is your attitude?"
20. Mum tried to stop us
21. J said something I forget "impolite?"...
22. I said, "we talked to you nicely and that is your attitude. I am just quarreling with my SISTER. Just SISTER."
23. Then J stood up from table and stopped her dinner
24. Then the bastard shouted to Jewelle and Ryan, "Jewelle, Ryan, go home! We are not here to be shouted de! See le also dulan!"
25. I returned him, "Whoever see le also dulan!"
26. Mum said, "let Jewelle finish her dinner"
27. Jewelle also grumbled, "I haven't finish dinner yeee"
28. J just grab and drag her away. Jewelle cried sadly and loudly
29. Mum cried heart-brokenly as Jewelle didn't finish her dinner due to our quarrel. Also, the behavior of J and bastard leaving home without bothering mum's feeling!

My fault! My fault! My fault!!!

I told Candy, there must be a day, she must bring Mum and Marcus to the room. I will chop everyone! Everyone!

I don't need you all to remember my kindness! I don't need you all to remember who am I!

I am a walking zombie since the DAY!


I will chop you! I will slice you into 108 pieces! I will drain your blood and throw into dustbin to prevent pollution! I will chop your bones into bits! I will feed your meat and flesh to crazy wandering dogs only. Poison to them! Only one good deed you can have! I will dig your eyes out! I will cut your tongue! I will chop your fingers one by one! I WANT YOU DIE NO COMPLETE BODY

Dec 9, 2010


How many days it is after 4th May, the most painful day?

I can't remember...

How long I don't talk to the most hatred, you know who?

I can't remember too...

What I can remember is, Christmas is around the corner but you are not around anymore...

It is totally awful...