Dec 20, 2010


1. Mum asked is Monday a public holiday to J
2. J was pissed and said "Just go. Don't ask."
3. Mum and I asked her nicely
4. J asked where are we going
5. Mum said Rengit
6. J said, Rengit only?
7. Mum said, ya
8. J said, why go back
9. Mum said, cleaning ya
10. J said, so boring. Go back for what
11. Mum said, have to clean
12. I asked J, if there is any leave left...
13. J said, used 7788 le
14. Then I asked, leave how many?
15. J said, no more for this year
16. Mum said, "don't know what is she saying" with a smile
17. I clarified no more or still have some left?
18. J shouted to mum and me, "don't ask anymore. Want to go then go!"
19. I shouted to her and bang the table, "we asked you nicely, what is your attitude?"
20. Mum tried to stop us
21. J said something I forget "impolite?"...
22. I said, "we talked to you nicely and that is your attitude. I am just quarreling with my SISTER. Just SISTER."
23. Then J stood up from table and stopped her dinner
24. Then the bastard shouted to Jewelle and Ryan, "Jewelle, Ryan, go home! We are not here to be shouted de! See le also dulan!"
25. I returned him, "Whoever see le also dulan!"
26. Mum said, "let Jewelle finish her dinner"
27. Jewelle also grumbled, "I haven't finish dinner yeee"
28. J just grab and drag her away. Jewelle cried sadly and loudly
29. Mum cried heart-brokenly as Jewelle didn't finish her dinner due to our quarrel. Also, the behavior of J and bastard leaving home without bothering mum's feeling!

My fault! My fault! My fault!!!

I told Candy, there must be a day, she must bring Mum and Marcus to the room. I will chop everyone! Everyone!

I don't need you all to remember my kindness! I don't need you all to remember who am I!

I am a walking zombie since the DAY!


I will chop you! I will slice you into 108 pieces! I will drain your blood and throw into dustbin to prevent pollution! I will chop your bones into bits! I will feed your meat and flesh to crazy wandering dogs only. Poison to them! Only one good deed you can have! I will dig your eyes out! I will cut your tongue! I will chop your fingers one by one! I WANT YOU DIE NO COMPLETE BODY

Dec 9, 2010


How many days it is after 4th May, the most painful day?

I can't remember...

How long I don't talk to the most hatred, you know who?

I can't remember too...

What I can remember is, Christmas is around the corner but you are not around anymore...

It is totally awful...

Oct 19, 2010

Last Day of David Cheung

Today is the last day of David Cheung in GE.

Some people told me, let's celebrate.

Some people told me, it's great.

To his departure, I feel nothing.

I always do my best on my own stuff.

It did impress some.

Too bad it upsets him.

So I became his eyesore.

I don't mind.

As I can't be likeable to everyone in the company.

Nevertheless, I still do my best upon his request.

It is shocking when I realized he didn't include me in his good-bye email.

Until the moment, I finally realized his true self.

It's not always too late ;)

Morale of the story: 一种米养千种人

Oct 15, 2010


爸爸离开后的第164天 (15.10.2010),我在这里写了第一张帖子。









Jan 23, 2010


驚人發現! 可幫你消除「不好」記憶

更新日期:2010/01/22 22:51 呂青倚







Jan 18, 2010

never plan never plan

18 Jan 2010

It is a really special year? I can't plan... Whatever I plan, it will be spoiled =D

Never mind, let's do more tests...


Jan 13, 2010

Don't push me too hard!

13 Jan 2010

I thought they are trivial issues in my life.

I thought I already forget those bad feelings

Nervous, worry, uneasy, insecure...

They come again!

Friend said I was traumatized...

Haha, a funny but real true term

I was really traumatized by those 2 bad experiences in the past...

I don't blame anyone

I just can't believe that it still affects me!

Jan 7, 2010

ROAR Laptop!

7 jan 2010

I get my laptop back! *ROAR*

but I lost all important data! *ROAR*

Jan 5, 2010

Dessert's Misery

excitement? ha-ha... Would you prefer dessert or main course?

When you are sick of main course, sweet dessert could give you the excitement. The urge makes you eating dessert for a period of the time. But in the end, you still need main course. Dessert is not essential... When people decide to leave the dessert away, do they think of the feeling of the dessert? Been abandoned...

Jan 2, 2010

Beautiful Face Beautiful Day

2 jan 09

not used to sister's laptop - sian but better than none

watched the lord of the ring: the return of king last night... look forward to listen the song sang by Pelli (hope I didn't spell wrongly) but found that I am not as touching as the past... the song doesn't touch me a lot anymore... sad

watched daisy in this afternoon. love the song... music was used by Show for Grey Area... I like both...

I never regret... I hate regret too... I told mum...

如果有下辈子,求老天爷就算我死了都不要让我遇见你 ^^

I regret knowing you, You-Know-Who...

Back to topic, I miss my laptop =(