Oct 31, 2007
Welcome November!
Oct 29, 2007
Oct 27, 2007
Why there is no DEATH sentence?
I. Ages for legal purposes
Age of simple majority
Under Singapore law, the legal age of majority for entering into contract is twenty-one (21) years.
Age of consent for sexual activity
The legal age of consent for sexual activity is sixteen (16) years. http://www.lawnet.com.sg/freeaccess/women.htm
Age of consent for marriage
The legal age of consent for marriage is eighteen (18) for female and male persons.
Avoidance of marriages where either party is under minimum age for marriage. Section 9. A marriage solemnized in Singapore or elsewhere between persons either of whom is below the age of 18 years shall be void unless the solemnization of the marriage was authorised by a special marriage licence granted by the Minister under section 21. [26/80]
Section 375 of the Penal Code states
'A man is said to commit 'rape' who, except in the case hereinafter, has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the five following descriptions:
a) against her will;
b) without her consent;
c) with her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her in fear of death or hurt;
d) with her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband, and her consent is given because she believes herself to be lawfully married or to whom she would consent;
e) with or without consent, when she is under fourteen (14) years of age.'
Section 376 determines the punishment and states
Subsection (1):
'Subject to subsection (2), whoever commits rape shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to twenty (20) years, and shall also be liable to fine or to caning.'
Subsection (2):
'Whoever, in order to commit or to facilitate the commission of an offence of rape against any woman -
a) voluntarily causes hurt to her or to any other person; or;
b) puts her in fear of death or hurt to herself or any other person,
-and whoever commits rape by having sexual intercourse with a woman under fourteen (14) years of age without her consent, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than eight (8) years and not more than twenty (20) years and shall also be punished with caning with not less than twelve (12) strokes.'
Article 90 defines consent and states
'A consent is not a consentas is intended by any section of this code -
a) if the consent is given by a person under fear of injury, or under a misconception of fact, and if the person doing the act knows, or has reason to believe, that the consent was given in consequence of such fear or misconception; or
b) if the consent is given by a person who, from unsoundness of mind or intoxication, is unable to understand the nature and the consequence of that to which he gives his consent; or
c) unless the contrary appears from the context, if the consent is given by a person who is under twelve (12) years of age.'
Why there is no DEATH sentence?
Comparing Terrorist and Rapist, which one is worse? I guess, majority of you will choose the previous. Why? Because He do a massacre? He hurts more people? He destroys the economy?
To me, both of them are totally bad (use vulgar word if you like to), especially the rapist. You hate Terrorist because he kills your brother, your sister, whoever you love, you care. He makes you heartbroken. He is cold-blooded as he kills people without any hesitation. However, in fact, rapist did the same thing and even worse. The rapist didn't take the Innocent's life, some may argue. But, He is worse, He "kills" the soul.
"Living painfully is much miserable than Die". Suicide is the optimal solution to the innocent who can't face the reality. Sometimes, people say, "hey, it is not the end of the world." Ya, they can take it so easily because they never go through it, they are NOT the victim. Thus, I don't like Singapore Drama Series in the past because it is fake, unrealistic especially when those actors, acting as a counsellor, encourage the victims to move on. It looks funny to me. HOW could they understand their pain? Thus, when I have watched the new drama series, 破茧而出 (po jian er chu)
The worst rapist is doing the evil in front of the Innocent's family. I read a newspapers when I was young. There was a news about a little girl of 12-year-old (she will be about 20+ if she didn't commit suicide) who was raped by those burglars who robbed her house in front of her family. I was sorry to her at that time as she had been hurt. BUT, now I know that her family (especially her mum) will suffer as painful as her or even more as they were watching her tragedy. It is totally crazy and awful. How could those bad eggs (use vulgar words if you wish) do this to a pitiful mother? No one, I bet, even immortal, can't stand the misery. (So, do you get an idea why people take revenge when Law can't help?)
People hate terrorist as WHAT he did is on the surface, is shown up to let anyone criticise. But, The destruction can be recovered, The feeling of hateful can be repay through revenge (no matter how beautiful words they said, in fact, they are taking revenge). A rapist, like a despicable rat hiding in the dirty, filthy drain, do the most shameful behavior as a human being (maybe they are not) to the innocent while He still pretends "innocent" among the crowd (Terrorist does so).
So, is Death sentence should be recommended? My stand is firm. I don't know yours and I am not interested too. Lastly, I think I am mercy enough as it is more humanity than letting them alive with no certain part of organ which has been suggested in a country before.
you can't hide, you can't avoid; no matter how long it takes, the revenge will come eventually.
Oct 26, 2007
Oct 22, 2007
It does make me feel great!
Oct 19, 2007
Week 9

That very Monday, looks energetic? (>.<)
Oct 12, 2007
FW:武則天乾陵每逢遭盜墓 就風雨交加…
Oct 11, 2007

金文泰市中心附近的著名西餐:Botak Jones
Oct 9, 2007
6 Days in Library - Study Study Study Part II

My Sweetie Friend
(Serious one lol)
Tuesday! Hurray, we finished our last mid-term paper!!!
These few days, Study Study Study Part I

(Getting serious)
(Wa, Slacking!)
(My study "kaki")
(My notes - full with the details)

(where is my smile?)
Oct 6, 2007
How could she do this to her?
When I was waiting the bus in the bus stop which is near to NTUC, there is a Honda MPV had stopped. Before the car door opened, I heard that a woman's agitated voice. When she appeared in front of me, a little girl came out from the car first, following by that woman that is her mother.
I assume that Little girl (about 4-year-old) had forgotten to bring an exercise book which is needed for her lesson (a piano lesson?), she was scolded by her mum in the public!!! It supposed to be a common phenomenon - a mum scolds her little child. Although I don't think that it is a proper way of teaching the kid - scold them in the public. As no matter how young they are, they have their own pride. Parents should take care of their child's vulnerable pride and honour.
While they were walking away, that mum was keep scolding her little daughter. The worst comes. Thanks for that mum's LOUD voice, I could hear it very clearly that what she had scolded her child,
I couldn't believe that a parent would say this kind of word to the child. No matter how angry, disappointed, upset they are, parents should not say it to the child. (heart pain)
I am so blessed having my parents. Although they may not have a professional education level like those of Singaporean people, they NEVER EVER ask us to go and die no matter how angry they are. (Tan's ROCKS)
Lastly, I am really hope that what I had seen is only a VERY minority of Singaporean parents' teaching method. (Buddhism)
Oct 2, 2007
Oct 1, 2007
The 1st Day of Term 2

I appreciate it a lot to what Eileen gal have done. It is so great to having this dictionary, hope it can help me in learning :)