Maybe, it is all because of it...
Usually, I will wake up at 7a.m. for a class at 9a.m. Well, I need to wake up earlier because I am good in "slow motion" (ha-ha). However, for this Thursday, I was late about 30minutes to wake myself up as I had a more than 2-hour discussion in the night before the day. It did absorb nearly all my energy out of my body.
I attended my first lesson - Service Operation Management. I start getting frustration from 2 issues; one is from my lecturer and one is from project. However, both of them did NOT really stress me up. But, they light up the first "small" fire of my frustration.
note: I saw a "girl" in the morning. But in fact, she is a guy! Oh my god, what a beautiful guy!
Then, I went to my 2nd lesson - Asia Pacific Business, Ethics & Society. Today's lecture is a bit different as our lecturer is the Emerging Markets Manager of Bredero Shaw Singapore, James N. Kodrowski. During the lesson, my temperature is rising up! Not because of him, but those of sitting behind me. I understand that his talk is a bit "dry", some of my friends also do not think that it is a relevant talk for our module. However, I thought that, as an undergraduate of NUS, as an adult, you should show your respect to the speaker eventhough it does not appeal you.
note1: I must praise my girl here, she made a good example; although she has no interest to the talk, at least she chose studying her notes quietly rather than talking)
note2:I told a man to lower his voice, he did so (Thanks for his consideration). BUT those 2 girls sitting besides him keep talking although they knew what had happened. Some may call it as personality, or in Chinese, 有个性. In fact, it is called AP, Attitude Problem or Egoism. They do not appreciate the value of consideration. This recalled me a social problem: "Prince/Princess" phenomenan in Singapore families. Parents spoiled their kids, (sometimes it is unavoidable). The worse is parents feel nothing wrong about their guidance , giving incorrect or certain level of inappropriate education to their kids based on their experience in the cold-blooded workplace or from their parents as well. At this moment, I am grateful of having my parents, thanks for their love with a strict CANE. Because of them, I, at least, like what they said, 还像个人. (ha-ha) Well, be humble is one of the morale I learnt from my parents and primary teacher (ha-ha). Oh, cheerful personality is inherited from my dearest mum (ha-ha).
conclude: if you want people to treat you as an adult, you should behave like an adult; wealth, beauty, capability or power that you own are useless, meaningless if you are lack of MORALE or in Chinese, 人格. This recalled me about one articles I read from the newspaper: the side effect of education system in Singapore.
After this unhappy issue, I had my lunch with my friends (the happiest moment). After, I fell asleep in my 3rd lecture! Oh my Buddha, I am so upset as this is my favorite module - Understanding the Universe. When I realised that I fell asleep, I start blaming that cause of late sleep. However, the anger disappeared very soon after I drank a can of icy milo (ha-ha). Before that, I embarassed myself due to lack of sleep. What had happened is I almost entered into a room called restroom! OH MY BUDDHA! (I still can hear those 2 guys' laughter)
Finally, I reached home. BUT, during the dinner, I break down due to some issues, in Chinese it called, 我脑中那条一直处于紧绷状态、唤作理智的神经终于“嘣”的一声,断了。
So sorry to my dearest family. I love you.
Jan 31, 2008
Jan 25, 2008
Blood-Sucker Library
I am studying in HSSML (NUS Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library). Ya, I am STUDYing in library when this is only the 2nd week of this semester.
I'm so sad! But a more sad thing is I was penalized! Just because I was late for 10 minutes to return that RBR textbook. *sob* Because of this, again, I miss my lovely polytechnic. She is so friendly, so kind-hearted; she never ever treat us strictly, charging us for that 10 minutes ONLY.
However, there is another voice telling me, we should do so to manage well the system. I know it.
I'm so sad! But a more sad thing is I was penalized! Just because I was late for 10 minutes to return that RBR textbook. *sob* Because of this, again, I miss my lovely polytechnic. She is so friendly, so kind-hearted; she never ever treat us strictly, charging us for that 10 minutes ONLY.
However, there is another voice telling me, we should do so to manage well the system. I know it.
Jan 20, 2008
FW:婦人撞盲胞、導盲犬 欺瞞事實逃逸!

更新日期:2008/01/19 15:50 記者陳敏如、林翰廷/台北報導
Conclusion: 人不如狗
Jan 19, 2008
Getting more and more emotional.
I seldom cry when I was young. Nothing can make me cry except one. However, I could cry easily for any single things in these recent months. It is quite crazy to me, and I don't wish to be crazy in the end. Some articles mentioned that it is a symptom of depression, some stated that it is a way of distressing... I don't know I am of which type. Optimistically, I think I am getting more and more kind-hearted, grateful to everything surrounding me.
"Never take things as granted."
I seldom cry when I was young. Nothing can make me cry except one. However, I could cry easily for any single things in these recent months. It is quite crazy to me, and I don't wish to be crazy in the end. Some articles mentioned that it is a symptom of depression, some stated that it is a way of distressing... I don't know I am of which type. Optimistically, I think I am getting more and more kind-hearted, grateful to everything surrounding me.
"Never take things as granted."
Jan 17, 2008
No Mercy
It is almost a week since the school term starts. I can say that 这个学期很“凶”! I have no a single free day at all! I feel stressful NOW although it is just the first week of this semester.
I start worrying about a lot of things. And I wish to complete them on time. Thus, I would eliminate any possible hindrances, in any ways.
May Buddha bless me
I start worrying about a lot of things. And I wish to complete them on time. Thus, I would eliminate any possible hindrances, in any ways.
May Buddha bless me
Jan 13, 2008
我现在的心情好复杂哦!明天开学了,心情好闷哦,懒散得不想那学期到来,巴不得能多出几天好好地窝在家里发霉。可是,这时我却看到了电视所播映的一则节目广告。当场,心花朵朵开哦!开心得不得了!What's that advertisement is? The Planet: Earth is coming back to Arts Central!!! Do watch out for this fabulous programme on every Wednesday, at 10 p.m.. Like what Oprah said, "You'd fall in love to our planet..." However, I would like to add on, "You'd fall in love to our planet where there is no Human Being." Human Being did make a lot of "noble" and huge constructions on this planet. However, the nature of this planet is prettier.
Jan 12, 2008
Achieve the Goals
My second last semester is going to start. 14th January 2008, Monday, I will attend my first lecture for this semester at 4p.m.. During this holiday, I learnt something about life, financial management and trust issue from people. I feel great as I wish to improve myself to be a better "human being", either in physically or mentally condition.
Thus, I set a number of goals to myself. It reminds me of my childhood. When I was young, I always set a lot of goals to myself. Some people may set only one goal in a year such as "I want to obtain 100 marks for my English paper.", "I want to gain more 10cm for my height.", "I want to be the class representative." and so on. I am not one of them. I like to set a lot of goals in different areas which I concern. I did achieve most of the goals except one - diet. Ha-ha... Should I blame for my mum's wonderful cooking skills? No, it's all my fault - no spirit of persistence.
Now, there is a number of goals to be achieved. I know what is the priority in the depth of my heart (That's not the diet, you guess wrongly ha-ha) and I believe that I will sacrifice some valuable and priceless people or things as a return.
"To gain something, we need to sacrifice something more than or equal value." I modified the origin sentence of Trade Equality. In real life, we may need to pay more to gain something we desire. That is the reality. I know it and I wish to get use to it, sooner or later. Like my dear 3rd sister said, "You can't gain both of them at the same time." (鱼与熊掌不可兼得). However, honestly, I want both of them (鱼与熊掌) and I will try numerous ways to get them, eventually. No matter what the result is, I wannna give it a try. At the same day, 4th sister mentioned about a discussion topic given by the interviewers, "Beauty, Power and Money, choose only one of them." My sister picked up one of them; If I were her, I will give them my answer - ALL of them. Ha-ha...
Thus, I set a number of goals to myself. It reminds me of my childhood. When I was young, I always set a lot of goals to myself. Some people may set only one goal in a year such as "I want to obtain 100 marks for my English paper.", "I want to gain more 10cm for my height.", "I want to be the class representative." and so on. I am not one of them. I like to set a lot of goals in different areas which I concern. I did achieve most of the goals except one - diet. Ha-ha... Should I blame for my mum's wonderful cooking skills? No, it's all my fault - no spirit of persistence.
Now, there is a number of goals to be achieved. I know what is the priority in the depth of my heart (That's not the diet, you guess wrongly ha-ha) and I believe that I will sacrifice some valuable and priceless people or things as a return.
"To gain something, we need to sacrifice something more than or equal value." I modified the origin sentence of Trade Equality. In real life, we may need to pay more to gain something we desire. That is the reality. I know it and I wish to get use to it, sooner or later. Like my dear 3rd sister said, "You can't gain both of them at the same time." (鱼与熊掌不可兼得). However, honestly, I want both of them (鱼与熊掌) and I will try numerous ways to get them, eventually. No matter what the result is, I wannna give it a try. At the same day, 4th sister mentioned about a discussion topic given by the interviewers, "Beauty, Power and Money, choose only one of them." My sister picked up one of them; If I were her, I will give them my answer - ALL of them. Ha-ha...
Jan 9, 2008
FW:英研究:改變四種生活習慣 多活14年!
更新日期:2008/01/08 18:17 記者管淑平/編譯
研究負責人劍橋大學臨床醫學肖教授(Kay-Tee Khaw)說:「我們已經知道這些因子對壽命的個別影響性,例如不抽菸或者運動,但是這次首次探究這些因素的綜合影響。」他說:「我們發現,社會地位和身體質量指數(BMI)並沒什麼影響。」他說,這表示大多數人真的能藉由一點小改變就有健康上的好處。
研究負責人劍橋大學臨床醫學肖教授(Kay-Tee Khaw)說:「我們已經知道這些因子對壽命的個別影響性,例如不抽菸或者運動,但是這次首次探究這些因素的綜合影響。」他說:「我們發現,社會地位和身體質量指數(BMI)並沒什麼影響。」他說,這表示大多數人真的能藉由一點小改變就有健康上的好處。
Jan 1, 2008
Happy New Year
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