Dec 2, 2008




接着,我开始感到开心,喜悦的泡泡不停冒了出来。。。与此同时,却又有着百感交集的矛盾。我终于毕业了;古人是十年寒窗苦读,现代人是二十年不分昼夜分秒必争的与时间,自己和世界竞赛。我完成了我人生中的其中一部分-education,我有松了一口气的感觉。我终于把人生中最重要也最耗时的一项任务完成了。I completed one task in my life. 当然往后的further study or self-development 又另当别论。失落吗?那是免不了的。害怕失去方向,害怕往后孤军奋战的日子,当然也有没好好把握什么什么的一些小失落。。。但是那又如何?!人活着就一定会有大大小小的挫折和磨难,反复不定的情绪波动,没再怕的!至少我不怕了。^^

将要迈向我人生中另一个新的里程碑,另一个人生的挑战;for sure, it would be tougher than the previous. However, I would strive up for it, for myself and for my beloved. 

Now, I have more time to look around; planning better for myself and the people surrounding me. Compared to the past, I feel that I have more missions to be done. Though they are challenging, I am looking forward the day of "conquering" them (he he he...). Moreover, I am not tied by the study anymore. So, I am sure I would be able to fully utilise my days and times to do what I want to do (now, let's game first he he he...) I am sure the schedule would function well on this time round.

whisper: hey, I am graduate. I am really graduate

I must say something to myself, 
"Thank you,  thank you for your perseverance. Well Done."

Good Bye NUS (National University of Singapore). Though you are the top university in Singapore, I am sorry, Singapore Polytechnic would be always my favorite. 

Note: 今天早上没有刺耳的闹铃声没有扰人清梦的吵杂声,我是笑着醒来的。可惜忘了我做了什么梦。。。^^不过,是个很开心的梦就是了。。。