Dec 16, 2014

Life is still not bad


What happened recently?

Been approached by an American Vietnamese... Been assigned more tasks... Went to Desaru with family...Watched movies Hunger Game and Epic...  Been annoyed by irritating relatives.... But what makes me almost get stroke is the kindness of my mother

I am totally admired and impressed to my mother's BIG HEART forgiving the sinners.

Do you know you should inform before visit especially you come to deliver wedding cake on behalf of your daughter?

Do you know leaving the cake and asking the person to collect is very disrespectful? and without the invitation card?

How much does an apology call worth? NOTHING esp. that person is my mother

They will forgive you but not me. I will gradually forget but I don't forgive. 人必自重而人重之... YOU do not deserve my respect, He Family. 

American Vietnamese, I am totally flattered and PUZZLED to his aggressiveness. Am I too conservative? Anyway, I am not impressed. 

Epic is truly epic. 

Hunger game is really a good movie.

Sometimes I think of a person. I doubt I can give him the happiness. I wish nothing but all the best to him, D.T. 

Nevertheless, I am grateful my hot temper is short. I am grateful I still have some incentives at work - a lot of eye candies - they are so handsome and beautiful... lovely girls and boys ^^