Finally I know why BBS is so attractive to "乡民". It is so exciting! You can get a lot of information, knowledge or gossip from BBS. Take this 台湾总统大选 as an example, apparently most of 乡民 (no matter they support KMT or DPP), they wish a better future to Taiwan. Besides, you can observe that most of them are not happy to the issue of 吴淑珍 (wife of current president of Taiwan, 陈水扁). They wish that a fair and just judgment will be processed to her case. Except some of aggressive 乡民, most of them are humor and interesting. I know I fall in love with BBS! I don't mind to be a 乡民 too! ha-ha...
Note: Congrats Mr.马英九 of KMT been selected as President of Taiwan! cheers!
However, to Mr.马英九, there is a long path to go. Thanks for DPP, Taiwan 負債 from $4+兆 to 13+兆. (Taken from 乡民 discussion). Hope that Taiwan people give more time and confidence to Mr.马英九 so that he can work it out, bring Taiwan a positive economic growth.
All the best, Taiwan.
News: 報告新總統先惦惦爛攤子... 負債13.5兆 金改損3千億
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