Nov 13, 2008

if we can't be together forever?

there is a famour slogan, "不在乎天长地久只在乎曾经拥有" i used to be its supporter. but today, let me despise it for a moment...

this is my last study week in NUS. we had a gathering, taking pictures non-stop, wishing to keep the moments in our memories. on the bus, gal was quite sad, telling us she had the urge to cry. i didn't. even i was, i wouldn't express, and i cldn't, especially in front of nic! wa-ha-ha...  

also, today my parents left after hugging, kissing and saying "take care" to me. the whole flat suddenly becomes silent, only left my sister and me. loneliness comes too fast and too strong...

if we can't be together forever, why we should know each other? forking out our feeling for a short period of time? if we can't be together forever, why we should love each other? to taste the pain of departure? 

in fact i know the answer. no matter how pain it was, i would still get myself in the swamp for that sweetest part of misery. so, what i can do? i choose to pretend. pretend we are not that close, pretend i don't love you, pretend i am not sad at all after the hurt ^^ cheers! 
