Apr 24, 2009

Am I possessive?


Dear MNC (you know who) still keeps me waiting. ^^ NVM, let's see who will be the final winner! "SoB"!

Dear part time (you know who too) delayed my time being together with my beloved. ^^ NVM, NVM, I am adult. NVM.

When I reached home, I was watching my beloved sleeping soundly with my little niece. It is a blessing; a peaceful mind is filled in me...

I was waiting for her waking up...

But I was sent to complete a task; a responsibility that shouldn't be mine but seemingly to be done by me only. It further killed my precious time. I know I am getting irritated. 

... Family Occasion's Merry

Why I can only see how busy my mum is and how messy my lodging that I cleaned in last night is?

(You are not in the right mood)

Why I gave in so easily to nephew's tantrums, why I felt sorry to him at that moment? 

(You are stupid)

Usually I supposed to enjoy playing computer games with my little cute nephew and niece. But now, I felt pissed only. 

I've had it enough =)

DBB said I am not possessive. But I doubt it. =( 

The mood is getting better after I mopped the floor. Perhaps, exercise is the best method to appease anger. Viewing those grand family pictures, enjoying our happy look, I know I am not angry anymore. 

Hope to share with you my pictures soon. 

Or I shall keep them privately as my talisman. 

A talisman to appease my sudden anger