I heard of Monday Blue, but I haven't experienced it.
Today I had my first lunch with my pretty female manager and senior. We had a simple meal in Burger King.
That is a really enjoyable and relaxing lunch. We chit-chatted and gossiped. I got a great news about Energy Taiwanese artists but I couldn't reveal it as I promised. But it is a real shocking news. Haha...
Then I had a walk to NBC department, meeting up with two ladies where one of them is really interesting and fun. Beside knowing more business, I grab the chance to know more employee benefits in GE. It is really a great trip, so far.
In the night, I had the chance to have a dinner with those playing an important role in GE businesses. All of them are coming from different countries - China, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, India, US and etc. It is really a kind of international gathering?! We had our great fusion fine-dining dinner in Club Chinois which is located in Orchard Parade Hotel. It is a real prompt dinner invitation by my lady boss. I was surprised and honestly I could feel the gastristic after I responded her. I was nervous, worrying that making myself a fool in front of those 大腕们. Fortunately, they are very nice. I had a good chat with them. And really enjoy talking with them, it is really a great experience. How I wish I could attend the coming meetings with them and other external parties. Well, greedy me =p But nvm I would take step by step. I know I will. Overall, I really appreciate it and feel thankful to my lady boss for this very first experience of business dinner.
note: Today I got a good news from my lady boss too ^^
Omg, I really enjoyed this rare Monday!!! So many great things happened!
Conclusion of the day: Nice food Nice place Nice people
Morale of the day: Never envy others; Cauz' you would never know there is a Better one awaits you! I have more and more faith in myself!!
Secret of Success!