my dear dajie, Yan hong. Eileen and her are my best friends since we were in SP. last Wednesday, we had our happy k-session at Suntec City. as she was working, Eileen girl and i did sing a lot before she reached. therefore, we drank a lot ha ha.
she is as pretty as i remember. her dear dear is still handsome and humor too. i am great to have them singing together. i like to go out with them, i can freely show them the real me, a blur blur but cute xiao ken. ha ha :P
today (Thursday) i met my friend in campus while i was having lunch with Eileen. he told me chatting with me is a de-stressful thing. i heard of it before from my other friend. however, i wonder why they say so? ha ha, is it because I'm too pretty? (impossible) ha ha...
anyway, I'm great to know my best friends. they did give me what i wish to have since i was in secondary - a complete, whole friendship. As I'm a greedy person, i want the whole thing rather than a portion. Therefore, i can't bear to share my friendship with others so i can't find it in secondary. fortunately, i meet my dear girls in Singapore. i don't mind sharing tangible asset but i don't like to share those intangible valued asset with others.
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