Dec 13, 2008
Dec 8, 2008
Give myself a trouble (ye!)
Dec 2, 2008
Nov 30, 2008
My lovely amulet~
Nov 26, 2008
26th first day - my amulet goes for holiday
Nov 24, 2008
After 1st paper, SCM
Nov 23, 2008
Nov 22, 2008
damn, it is 23th!
Nov 20, 2008
Nov 19, 2008
exam is sux, making me feel miserable
Nov 17, 2008
Nov 16, 2008
Nov 15, 2008
Nov 13, 2008
if we can't be together forever?
Nov 10, 2008
Nov 8, 2008
IT Skills
Nov 6, 2008
once i graduate
- R. CJM
- D.Loh - g
- J. - d
- P.W. - d
- M.G. - g
- OK - m only
- Therry!! - KL
- BizPolicy - K
- HK? TW? :p secret
Nov 5, 2008
All aunties asked me about my laptop = =
Nov 3, 2008

Oct 30, 2008
I found "you"
Oct 26, 2008
woke up around 9 plus, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling
what I gonna do?
well, it couldn't help if I just keep doing so
crawled out from the blanket, opened the desktop (yuxx)
nobody gonna help, let's check it out myself
printer is getting crazy again (very hard to detect it as a recognized tool)
whose fault?
still indecisive...
should I or should not I?
I know I should but so many constraints hindered me
never mind, let's talk to my battery (to reach her, it is not an easy task manz - Jewelle is the cause)
"mum, ...." "......"
ha-ha... as you said, I just want to get a scolding from you.
OK, let's set off.
Time is around 1.
damn it, life is not always smooth.
Dell's Inspiron 1420 is not available.
I am in a loss again
what I gonna do?
Maliki recommended another 3 models
after consulted with Marcus
Acer wons again
though it don't have bluetooth
it fulfils my 3 requirements (net-surfing, report, Game!)
and most important
it has 3-years warranty and microsoft office software included in a very cheap price
OK (grinding teeth), buy it
time is around 1.23
money transaction is immediate
so "efficiently" the Challenger
but where is my laptop?
"well, you wait for a while. your laptop is setting up. you can collect it here (leading me to a corner) then, i go for my lunch first. OK?"
what I could say, then?
break your legs to stop you?
wait wait wait wait... about 20 ++ min
"excuse me, may I check with you how's the progress of my laptop?"
"oh, we just get it and just start the set-up. please wait about 20 minutes."
(shocked) just get it?
sat on the chair, and started STONEeeee
"hi, miss, it is already OK."
Hurray, my Buddha
stood up (though I want to jump) from the chair and walked (I wish I can run) towards the counter
another 10 + minutes on check-up...
when the IT staff is going to pack my laptop into the bag
"wait! let me check the shell, thanks"
"? oh ok... well, usually it is free of defective."
"to play safe." (no idea, just want to check)
in few minutes,
"... what is this?" (pointing on the crack at the edge of the top)
"erm.... (try to erase it) a dirt? erm, I think it is a scratch. let me get you a new one."
"hello, give me a new Acer Ex4630Z..."
well, what a BIG scracth
"OK, thank you."
another set-up time...
STONE on the chair, again
Time is about 3.
Haiz... half of my Sunday is goneeee
"sorry, miss, there is something wrong."
"what is it?"
"they gave me a wrong laptop to set-up. the model you want is unavailable now. could you come and collect tomo...OK?"
explanation continued till Maliki was back.
he went to understand what was happening
while I STONE again...
but in a helpless anger
my pathetic Sunday, you died in a misery
"yiying, I can get you a new one within 45 minutes... (my eyeballs popped out with fire) AND, to compensate your time, we would like to give you this and this..."
"................(helpless, listless and grumbling)"
"give me one more wireless mouse" (grinding teeth)
I know, he can make it.
I wandered around as I gave him 1 hour and 15 minutes
stupid me
toy shop Popular Jollibean Daiso playground...
damn it my poor legs
time is 6.06
finally, I get my laptop with those additional free gifts home
what are they?
let's wait for my laptop ready tomorrow...
Oct 21, 2008
Oct 19, 2008
You must learn from my dad
it is not a huge amount, too
it is a token issue
he didn't say anything to me, too
or nagging
NONE at all
just pass me the money
words are meaningless
a hug a eternity love
morale of the story: 这样的男人才是王道!
Oct 16, 2008
i always aware of the stealing issue spreading over the campus. in this semester, i never leave my laptop unattendable.
Murphy's Law broadly states, "if anything can go wrong, it will." It is also cited as: "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way".
this time, i left my hand fully occupied with sandwiches and a cup of hot milo again. same as that time i lost my digital camera, assisting my mum handling my nephew and his baby chair.
because of my carelessness, i lost most important tools in my life.
if i am doing an analysis about the external factors affecting me, they would be:
1. physical exhaustion
2. mentally carelessness
3. distraction on external features surrounding me
4. timing constraint
policeman asked me the value of the laptop. the value? to them, they want to know its monetary value. 1.9+K about 2k. but to me, it is priceless.
it contains numerous of memorable, valuable information and materials
the most heartbreaking is those videos and pictures of my family. it makes me out of breath whenever i think of them
then the favorites!
and the relevant information in my life...
laptop is the tool, just like the digital camera. what they contain are more important to me.
mum said, po cai xiao zai. wen said, fate ends. but i would say, "ken go and die"
anyway, mum and wen, thanks. again, i have to learn to let go. and i am telling myself, perhaps, it is Buddha's hint - i should let you go.
nat, eileen, nic, jo, yenteng etc thanks for concern.
mum, i would do what you wish me to do...
Oct 12, 2008
Oct 9, 2008
Oct 5, 2008
No Goal
Oct 4, 2008
End Time City
Oct 1, 2008
Sep 25, 2008
Sep 22, 2008
Sep 18, 2008
Sep 16, 2008
Sep 15, 2008
Love can be weighed?
Sep 14, 2008
Sep 13, 2008
Sep 12, 2008
Sep 9, 2008
Sep 4, 2008
never judge a book by its cover
PARIS (AFP) - - Men tend to wind up with life partners who look like their mother, while a woman is lured to a partner who looks like her father, scientists reported on Wednesday.
Heterosexuals are deeply attracted to individuals whose faces are similar to that of their opposite-sex parent, they said, suggesting that this characteristic is rooted in an evolutionary drive.
A team led by Tamas Bereczkei at the University of Pecs in Hungary created a model of facial ratios -- width of jaw, distance between mouth and brow and so on -- comprising 14 facial zones.
They measured 312 Hungarian adults from 52 different families using this method. Each family included a couple, along with two sets of parents.
The researchers found a significant correlation in facial similarities between a woman's mate and her father, and also between a man's partner and his mother.
The team tested the model on faces that were randomly selected from the general population and repeated the experiment with a panel of judges, who also picked out the same pairings from randomly selected groups of photos.
Interestingly, men and women focused on different parts of the face when they home in on a potential mate, they found.
A man's lover and his mother tended to have similar fullness in the lips, width of mouth, as well as length and width of jaw.
But for women, the critical features were the distance between mouth and brow, the height of the face, distance between the eyes and the size of a man's nose.
The choices are driven less by psychology and socialisation and more by evolutionary pressures, suggests Bereczkei.
Too much genetic overlap -- as can happen with incest -- is an evolutionary no-no.
But seeking similar genetic traits "may confer individuals with additional adaptive advantages," he wrote.
It could increase the degree to which parents share genes with offspring, enhancing the genetic representation of future generations.
Finding similar partners might also help perpetuate genetic complexes that have evolved to adapt to a particular environment.
There may be an additional bonus, which probably has more to do with happiness than a genetic imperative.
"Human couples who are similar in physical and psychological characteristics are more likely to remain together than dissimilar partners, possibly leading to an increase in fertility," the study concludes.
The research appears in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The Royal Society is Britain's de-facto academy of sciences.
Sep 1, 2008
Your Praise, My Honor
I'm straightforward
Cauz' I don't lie to you
The closest we are, The more I hurt you.
I hurt you carelessly
But you still love me
Thanks for loving such imperfect me
I am honor to have your love and being proud of loving you too
Aug 31, 2008
Bitter Sweet Bitter
Aug 28, 2008
Aug 26, 2008
喜欢Marigold, Fruitree fruit juice
喜欢hundred plus
喜欢Lemon Barley
喜欢Pokka Green Tea
喜欢全好plum juice
喜欢Heineken, Asahi
喜欢white wine
最喜欢Meiji Fresh Milk!!!
Aug 23, 2008
(法新社北京二十二日電) 日本漁業當局說,日本捕鯨船在西北太平洋進行三個月捕鯨行動中,撈捕了二百一十一頭鯨魚之後,明天將陸續返回日本。
生命,环环相扣,知道Butterfly Effect的人都晓得,一个人或一件事,都能带来无法预见的影响。
Aug 16, 2008
“只要下地狱就好了。” “恶心。” “好讨厌。”
“怎样?你(们)能奈我何?” “我就是有钱有势!”
怨恨 · 无所不在
“谁也不会相信我的?” “解释?想都没想过。”
“不相信地狱的确存在,世界变得堕落了。” - 轮入道
Regardless what may come, Strive Up!
Be humble, Be considerate
Aug 15, 2008
Emma Ai is the correct one - If she can choose who should be killed and who shouldn't be. But she couldn't.
Buddhism does not advocate taking revenge.
Buddhism believes that Karma does exist.
Obey it.
Aug 13, 2008
Aug 12, 2008
Aug 11, 2008
Hell Girl
Take revenge, have to pay the price. Theory of Equal Trade does apply here...
Hell Girl, an Japanese animation, takes revenge for the sake of those been ill-treated, bringing the one hatred to the hell immediately. The price is, you will go to the hell, too, after you die.
害人终害己 we used to advise people to be good to people. But, it is used in the animation to those victims.
We wish those whom we hate go and die immediately regardless the price we have to pay - go to the hell after die. But what kind of vengeance brings us to do so?
And if Hell Girl does exist, will you call her?
What goes around, comes around. Karma does exist.
It is pointlessly taking revenge ourselves for the sake of punishing the evils by sacrificing our lives. One day, they will be punished. And not to worry is, we can testify it. hehe
May Buddha bless me, and my beloved.
Jul 23, 2008
Jul 21, 2008
Jul 19, 2008
Jul 18, 2008
AND provided you put in the right effort on the right people!
Bless you
这就是(宗教?)童话故事所常常描绘的 - 善与恶
所以人们渴望光明的代表 -- 天使
Jul 8, 2008
why did we become like this?
many of you
many of me
Jul 7, 2008
Jun 29, 2008
Scary M

But, today I am in a good mood. I decided to shop for a while.
After handing over my broken glasses for repair, I wandered to Gio. I found that I have none of white T although I have a lot of Black. So I picked up both of Size L and M to fitting room, not as usual.
In the past, I could only wear either size XL or even bigger. Now, I know that I can wear size L. hahaha...
In the fitting room, I realized that size L doesn't suit me well! Gosh, in mandarin, "doesn't fit me well" is called "穿不下". But now, my situation is "穿太下"!
I have to wear size M!! It is such an incredible size number to me!! Regardless the material, cutting or what, the T I am going to buy is the same as what I bought in the past. So, it means that I did achieve what I want?
I should feel happy, right? But, why I am not?
Jun 28, 2008
Jun 23, 2008
Sorry I am wrong
Again, I am the one to be blamed. I made a wrong step. In the future, I would not feel shy anymore. I would "bombard" those whoever I should do so!
Jun 12, 2008
be yourself, be your own lord
today, the story is about a teen who loves to be alone. he has been treated as a weirdo by his friends surrounding him, even his parents (i think this is the saddest part). so, he tried his best to change himself to suit others. however, he failed.
there is a sentence he said in the show caught my attention,
"if i can't be me (myself), what can i be?"
that is the point!
luckily, he accepted being himself and been accepted by others too. that is the end of the story. regardless its accuracy, the point is clearly stated.
don't push yourself too hard for the sake of others! unless they worth it! from my viewpoints, they are those of my family, so far. but the funniest part is, the one who understands me better is my best friend. hahaha... cool!
May 30, 2008
May 17, 2008
What a "happy" Saturday
Mum said, 破财消灾
Part of me agreed with her. But the remaining of me think of karma. Is it because of my 幸灾乐祸 towards unpleasant and embarrassment of those whom I dislike? I should forgive them regardless what they have done on my parents?
On the other hand, I think of more rational side. I am careless because of tiredness. I used to pay my utmost attention on my stuff and I kept them as simple as possible while I was in Taiwan. But when I return, I didn't raise up my awareness at the same time the stuff are too bulky and messy with me.
I lost it. Mum didn't scold me as she knew, I tried my best finding it. But I couldn't forgive myself. That is her gift, and memoriable pictures and videos of the day are in the camera.
May 1, 2008
May Buddha bless my beloved
Apr 25, 2008
Apr 20, 2008
4th day - 21 April - theory of 热胀冷缩
But I am very "sui" as I am sitting behind a pair of couple! I must say, they are kind enough as they just whisper. But they are whispering non-stop! It did affect my study. Thanks to them, I realise how irritating Nic and I were in the last semester.
比他们更吵吧 :p
Besides, thanks for my superb sharp nose. I smelled cigarette (from a guy sitting behind wen wen yaa, natural body smell from an Indian girl who is sitting behind me etc!) OMG! Help yaaa!
editted: the weird smell is not from that Indian girl, in fact she smells nice. BUT from that guy of that pair of couple! OMG~~~
note: wen wen enjoying her music while studying... *pout*

wen wen's blur look while studying ha-ha... did you see that guy behind her? he has a very long hair yaa! I bet his fringe is even longer than mine.
Do you know what is theory of 热胀冷缩? Here is the illustration
Her hands are cold; the ring seems so loose on her finger...
Arghh.. stucked!
(wahahaha...just kidding)

新闻:國中生虐殺狗? 愛狗人5萬緝兇
Don't tell me they are ignorant, they are still too young! All are excuses! It should be a common sense: NEVER BULLY WEAKS, KIDS & WOMENS to those living in a peaceful society. what the x are these two boys thinking? What they did are so horrible and heartless!
Being rich is not his fault; Showing off while others are suffering is unbearable.
contrast: (what the hell?!)
global issue : love the Earth (it is not a one-time event) (believe it or not, adopt it) (save power, save Earth) (save Tree, save Earth) (believe it or not, eat veggie)
we are losing it! (it is just one of symptoms) (usually they would not do so)
find out more:
global warming - Polar Bear's extinction
global climate change - extinction of species - birds, amazon species
disappearance of bees - the end of the world
the South Pole - the speed of ice melting is accelerating!
save the world:
- use paper wisely! re-use them twice, third times before you give them to karang guni. (PS: not to dustbin)
- consume less meat (refer to )
- off the electricity when you do not use them (such as your laptop, washing machine, TV set), richness is your own business, save Earth is our, including you, responsibility.
- don't use recycled chopsticks because they are not environmental friendly! (do you know Japan "kill" how many trees per year just because of those chopsticks? Hygience issue? Your foot! 要卫生,自备餐具啦)
- save water
- use plastic bag wisely
it is just a little edge of the iceberg.
Nationalism, Right of Tibet, Politic Filthy messed up Olympic. Olympic is the greatest event organized by human being, but is stained by human being too.
Ethnic issue : they are pervert! (dog1) (cat1) (dog2)
Terrorism, social problem - poor, unfortunate, discrimination - race, sex, human right issue... I found that I can't find a piece of beauty from human being behaviors.
Indeed, the places where no human being are the most beautiful... (quoted by a journalist)
I found no reason to worry about those minor issue in my life while the world is in such a mess.
Apr 19, 2008
I wouldn't say, there is no possibility that Chinese of Indonesia may be one of the main factor leading the happening of the disaster 98's in Indonesia. In fact, those Indonesians living in the LOWER class do not satisfy to their lifestyle while others, Chinese are mostly the richest in Indonesia. Moreover, as mentioned by an article I read in the past, it stated that most Indonesians would like to have a Kampung life as before rather than a modern lifestyle. So, development brought by Chinese could be the main WORRY to those PIGs thus leads to that disaster. On the other hand, they may be the victims too - been bullied by their Chinese bosses etc. In the end, they fought up. I don't know. BUT no matter what the reason is, KILLING especially to those armless, is a superb damn thing.
Honestly, violence, sometimes, is unavoidable. Well, from here, you know I am not peacemaker in this kind of issue. I always believe that LOVE is the strongest power in this world. However, at the same time I also have a faith in 以暴制暴. BUT, the precondition is you should fight with the oen who is of equal strength, or stronger than you. Bullying the weak is so unbearable. It did not prove that you are strong, but DAMN BRAINLESS MORON - in this case, they prove it very well.
May Buddha bless those injured, been tortured, and died.