Apr 19, 2008

2nd Day

Well, I came to school but not for Mugging, there is a make-up lesson. At first, I thought we do not need to go since there will be presentations. BUT BUT BUT, I realised that exam tips would be given at the end of the class. Well, due to this reason, no matter how lazy I ammmm, I haveeee to go, isn't it?
During the whole lesson, I am bu-shuang to certain issue. But, this feeling of bu-shuang remains not more than 3 minutes (ho ho ho... if you know me, that's me) as I know that it is not worth it. However, it had undeniably affected my feeling AT that moment. Rarely, I thought of one idiom,
Anyway, I was happy after the lesson~ (thanks "wen wen yaa...")
BUT BUT BUT after the lesson, I went to Chinatown. The damn thing happened. I went to SA tour agency, preparing to settle all remaining payment for my Taiwan trip. Everything is so smoothly processing except that damn "long" queuing time (please view from customer's perspective); when I was planning to close the case, I found that "Damn it, I didn't bring the credit card!" OMG~ it is so so so so awful! Because it means that all the times I spent (from the time I took the train till I planned to close the case) is totally not worth it! (I cry for you, my precious time~~) Again, I have to make another trip to Chinatown in next week when I have to prepare my papers! Arghhhhh....