Jan 13, 2008


我现在的心情好复杂哦!明天开学了,心情好闷哦,懒散得不想那学期到来,巴不得能多出几天好好地窝在家里发霉。可是,这时我却看到了电视所播映的一则节目广告。当场,心花朵朵开哦!开心得不得了!What's that advertisement is? The Planet: Earth is coming back to Arts Central!!! Do watch out for this fabulous programme on every Wednesday, at 10 p.m.. Like what Oprah said, "You'd fall in love to our planet..." However, I would like to add on, "You'd fall in love to our planet where there is no Human Being." Human Being did make a lot of "noble" and huge constructions on this planet. However, the nature of this planet is prettier.