Apr 18, 2008

1st day - 18 April

Mugging period comes again~

Today is so so so happening! Since morning, I couldn't catch a bus! As I forgot to top up my ezlink card, it is so so so embarrasing while you have to alight from the bus after that annoying beep sounds indicating that "hey, dude, you have no money". But I have, ok? They were kept "nicely" in my little lovely pouch (with a load of junk ha-ha...) and it was kept in my big bag. And I was holding laptop and textbook on my hand. So, I have no extra "hand" to open my big bag, searching for my lovely pouch among those notes, files, wires and jacket, then digging out those little coins from the bag. No choice, I took cab! There is only one word could describe my feeling - ABCDE... It is so expensive~ Could you imagine, that is just an approximately 10-minute distance, I spent almost S$6 for traveling. I could take MRT to at least 3 places. It is so so so not worth it...

Then, when reached campus, I had my last term paper of Purchasing & Material Management. Supposedly this misery would start later as our tutor offered us a 20-min break BUT there was a classmate (ABCDE...) suggested to have the paper right now! Oh my god! Does he know that preparation is always not enough? But I laughed after I heard his whispering "give us 2 hours for it (term paper), then." I think, this paper is a total disaster. Although it is an open-book test, I have some exact answers (well, please don't question me the source), I still could not answer other questions well. Arghh, the feeling was so yucks! Now, I am ok with it.


So, forget it and move on.
We took a picture for remembering today - our official last day of this semester, our last term paper (not for Wen Wen), our "gang" ha-ha...
Well, obviously you can tell who is trying to snatch into the picture :p

After the test, I thought that my misery is ended. Ha, fat hope. 好事或坏事都会接二连三发生的。 I strongly agree with it now. Due to carrying too much stuff on Thursday, trust me, the load is much larger than today > jacket, wires, multipurpose plug, TWO textbooks, fully filled water bottle, laptop and NOTES. Thanks for them, I hurt my shoulder. But the impact happens in the next day, which is Today. *sob* I could not raise up my arm~~~

Before we went into our APB classroom, we found that they are coincidentally carrying a sec-like school bag! ha-ha... All are heavy and bulky~
Although I could not raise up my arm, it does not affect me going to have my dinner with my dear friends - Wen Wen and Ah hua. But, before we move on, there is a weird feeling on my foot. I found that...

我的鞋带断了!My feeling was like 真的是悲喜交加呀~

喜的是终于把一双鞋穿坏了(still have 3-4 pairs left)。

悲的是干嘛选在这个时间这个地点断呀?(well, Wen Wen said, "you wear it to school what?" ya, she is right. It is impossible that it would happen in Bugis when its master is studying in campus)
But, 天啊!我穿的是夹脚凉鞋好不好!So, you could imagine how difficult I inserted the band back to the part where it should be. Fortunately, I have a pair of 巧手. I managed to walk on it but the pose is a bit stiff and unnatural, walking like a cripple (no offend).

Lovely ah hua, she is so serious... watching her online TV show - Legendary 7 Princesses

Finally, we had our study in the library. When I went down from second floor, it can't stand the pulling force generated by my walking. It stripped of. Anyway, I was lucky enough as I got the help from a librarian - Auntie Rada. She offered me a VERY BIG staple (used to bind those references), a roll of gummed tape, and a pair of scissors. By using these tools, I managed to walk back home. Haha...

Happiness is short. When I bought a can of drink to compensate Auntie Rada's kindness and friendliness, my M&M peanut chocolate was hanging in the air - in the vending machine. It was stucked! Arghhh... I tried shaking the machine while I was wearing so nicely! It totally tarnished my image! (I know I left no more) But I failed shaking it down from that stupid plastic spiral-shaped roll. When I gave up and went back, Wen Wen successfully persuaded me back to get back my chocolate by using a method - buy one more pack! It spent me another S$1.40. Arghh.. I totally waste a lot of money today. Those supposed-not-to-be... I feel so sorry to those money, as they sacrificed so not worth it.
Can you tell their difference? (hint: not the size, ok?)

Jiang jiang jiang jiang~ It is about the shape! this m&m peanut chocolate (which is now staying in my stomach) "was" heart-shaped! So lovely~ and yummy~
This is my first day of mugging diary in campus. I will update more and more if I have time. Cheers~