Nov 28, 2007

Scary Sweet Dream

I had my paper in the morning, it is a total disaster! Not to mention it anymore. I went to take a nap after I had my lunch with my parents and 4th sister.

Supposedly we should wake up smilingly and happily from a sweet dream (which I did), but I don't. At this time, I woke up frighteningly. I wonder why, I was so happy in the dream. However, due to its SUPERB unrealistic, I was shocked and woke up promptly JUST to RUN away from the dream. It is too horror! ha-ha...

I always believe in this: 无风不起浪,事出必有因。I think I will get this horror dream because of my dear friend, bro NWJ. Thanks for his horror jokes - butt, insurance, and mangoes!!! (I gonna give him a big punch soon!)

However, the luckiest thing in this horror dream is I didn't see U and Mangoes in my dream, if so, I am sure I will commit my 1st murder (in the dream)! ha-ha... Well, it's just a crap. U are not worth it enough to be my 1st victim.

Keywords: Lunch, JW, Emo Chio Gals; Bus, FbT, "Sun Yan", Jacket, HyF, YgYg, Chocolate!!! (which frightened me)