Nov 28, 2007

醉老闆連環撞 成大生、賣衣婦不治 更新日期:2007/11/27 07:30 記者吳明良、蔡宗明、柯佩君、賈寶楠/連線報導






涂斌堃前晚肇事後,自稱是議員弟弟,要與警員套交情。家人告訴他「你撞死人了!」涂斌堃斥責說「嘸啦,你亂講啦,我那有撞死人。」 (it is due to nervous? or he thought that money, power can make a difference?)





other related news:

酒駕殺人無悔意 上進學子恩愛夫妻命誰償

extract: 肇事者涂斌撞人後不僅沒有悔意,還加速逃逸,警方以嚴重過失致死、公安危險等罪名移送法辦,檢方認為他有逃亡之虞向地院聲請羈押,未料法官諭令以五十萬元交保。(Why? he seems to have the suspicion of running away. Why does the judge has this kind of decision? I can't deny how upset I was to this decision but I wish there will be a fairer judgment on this case without any external distractions.)


成大生遭酒駕撞死 同學BBS開板大罵肇事者

extract: 至於肇事的涂姓男子家裡開瓦斯行,他以50萬元獲得交保,回家後不但沒有悔意,還將一切過錯歸究運氣不好。涂姓男子的母親說:「他就說是厄運啊,一個運躲不過,這樣啊。」
(no matter he did say so or misled by those Taiwan reporters, 我已经气得头昏、吐血了. Just my luck?! The law should give him a lesson.)


Everyday, those unexpectedly accidents happen non-stop at anytime, anywhere. We are not the God, we are not one of those heroes (check out CNN's Heroes) who can predict the future. Perhaps, one day, the unpredictable may happen on us, or on those whom we love to. We can't stop them, but we can do something better. Say "I love you" to those you love. You wouldn't know how powerful it is to those who are loving you too. If you couldn't, a hug works too. One day, when the unavoidable things happen, they or you may suffer for it; the hurt will never get heal. But, at least, you did tell the one you care about how much he/she means a lot to you. At least... he/she knows.

No matter where, when or who, drunk driving (酒駕) can't be forgiven. No matter what is the driver's reasons, work pressure, celebration, business, breakup or suicide, they shouldn't. There must be a way to solve their own problems, and they should avoid the driving when they are drunk. There is one sentence I got from an unknown drama series when I was young, but I still remember it: "要死,死远一点,不要害到别人." from a fierce auntie in that drama. It sounds cold-blooded, however, if we view it from the viewpoint of those victims, it makes sense. Why do you put the danger on others? Why don't you spare a mind to others whenever you gonna do something unsuitable to the circumstance? Just be considerate.