Dec 27, 2007


I am happy! Not only because of my rising CAP, but also I didn't fail any modules!!! Finally, it relieved my intensiveness (or nervousness).

I thought I will fail my MA (Managerial Accounting) as I didn't do the paper well, but I didn't fail. Some more, I got a satisfied grade. (What a surprise?!) However, to my Macroeconomics, I got an unexpectedly poor result. (SOB I prefer this module than Microeconomics) Anyway, I am happy that I got a great result to my OM (Operations Management). I think, I am really more capable in SCM (Supply Chain Management)! (Hurray!)

Although my CAP (Cumulative Average Point) is rising steadily, it didn't achieve my goal for that semester. Anyway, as long as it is increasing, I am sure that I will achieve my goal soon!