Dec 8, 2007

A Rainy Sunday 9.12.07 (2)

I woke up because of a heavy rain. It made me thinking of the day I had studied with my friends in the library. It is a rainy day too. However, it was raining for a whole day. Now, the rain is going to stop. There is still a difference. Nothing is same. Everything, Everyone, and even Every Feeling is different. It is so difficult to catch or maintain a feeling forever. However, I know my feeling now. I will cherish this feeling right now. Nobody know what will happen in the future, however, I want to keep it for this period of time. I feel ease of my mind, at least, I did figure out what I want to keep, what I have to do. They can be done separately. It is so great to figure them out!!

By the way, I am listening Santa Claus is coming to town. Perhaps, I need more of happiness? Anyway, it is a lovely song that I like since I was young.